Logger Script AWARES CS95018 어드밴스 시스템 - COBHAM ::NUBICOM::
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AWARES CS95018 어드밴스 시스템

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The Cobham AvComm Advanced Waveform Analysis, Recording, & Emulation System (AWARES) is designed for Radar, EW, and ECM Signal Capture, Analysis, and Generation. AWARES Systems are broadband deep memory hardware-based systems that have the flexibility, bandwidth, RF range, and processing power to create or analyze almost any complex RF environment, making them ideal for R&D, waveform development and verification, production test, laboratory test, and field system evaluation

The systems have the following features :

  • Independent RF up and down converters,10 MHz to 18 GHz
  • Instantaneous signal bandwidths 400 MHz and 70 MHz
  • 32 Gigabytes of solid state signal memory
  • Trigger supported Stimulus-Response hardware and software application
  • Precision low phase noise LOs and time bases
  • Powerful and flexible RF environment signal generation and analysis software
  • RAID high speed disk file storage and retrieval with 8 Terabytes of storage space
  • Local, network, and remote control applications

주요 특징

Input Narrowband Wideband
Frequency Range 10 MHz to 18 GHz 10 MHz to 18 GHz
Instantaneous Bandwidth 60 MHz 400 MHz
Digital Tuner Bandwidths 42 MHz to 41 kHz none
Input Power +15 to -10 dBm +15 to -10 dBm
ADC Resolution 12-bits 8-bits

Output Narrowband Wideband
Frequency Range 2 MHz to 18 GHz 10 MHz to 18 GHz
Instantaneous Bandwidth 60 MHz 400 MHz
Digital Tuner Bandwidths 42 MHz to 41 kHz none
Output Power -10 to -45 dBm -10 to -45 dBm
Internal Reference 10 MHz 10 MHz
DAC Resolution 12-bits / 14-bits 8-bits / 14-bits


The CS95108 AWARES system includes multiple application packages designed to meet the requirements of complex RF stimulus/response testing, while keeping the flexible nature of an instrument research/development applications.

Signal Generation software package includes :

  • Mixed signal AWG RF generation complete environment including pulsed, agile, and background signals and AWGN
  • Software tools to add interference and additional pulses or CW signals, and impairments such as thermal noise, phase noise, and passband amplitude and phase deviation (group delay distortion) to each component of the mixed signal
  • Generation of highly complex pulse agile RF waveforms including Doppler time and frequency effects

Signal Analysis package includes :

  • Multiple Domain (Frequency/Power/Time) live graphical display
  • Automatic Environment Signal Parameterization
  • Modulation Domain with modulation recognition
  • Agile and Pulse Analysis (Communications and RADAR)
    • Measurement of CW, linear FM, quadratic FM, triangle FM, and Barker coded pulses with precision measurement of pulse width, pulse repetition rate, rise and fall times, amplitude, and carrier frequency
  • Time-time and time-frequency plots
  • 가족친화우수기업
  • 청년친화 강소시업
사업자등록번호 : 220-86-72761대표이사 : 신동만대표전화 : 070-7872-0701팩스 : 02-2167-3801
(우)07299 서울특별시 영등포구 경인로 775 (문래동 3가, 에이스하이테크시티 3동 2층)