로데슈바르츠는 벡터 네트워크 분석기를 위한 다양한 액세서리들을 공급하고 있습니다.
로데슈바르츠는 벡터 네트워크 분석기를 위한 광범위한 액세서리를 갖추고 있습니다.
가능한 액세서리 :
교정 키트 및 교정 유닛
로데슈바르츠의 교정 디바이스는 1 포트, 2 포트 및 n 포트 교정(OSM, TOSM, TRM, TOM, UOSM 등)을 지원합니다.
동축 케이블은 최대 110 GHz 까지 가능합니다.
ZV-Z9x 고성능 테스트 포트 케이블은 높은 위상 안정성과 높은 기계적 유연성이 요구되는 정밀 측정에 특히 적합합니다.
크래시 방지, 140 kg / cm (800 lbs / inch)
굴곡을 가진 최고의 위상 안정성
굽힘에 거의 저항이 없습니다.
스프링 백 없음
최소 굴곡 반경 57 mm (2.25")
R&S®ZV-Z19x 경제성 테스트 포트 케이블은 주로 범용 어플리케이션에 사용됩니다.
내구성과 내 부식성이 뛰어난 내경, 40 kg/cm (250 lbs/inch)
굴곡에 대한 뛰어난 안정성
굽힘에 거의 저항하지 않습니다.
최소 굴곡 반경 26 mm (1")
피드스루 터미네이션, 매칭 패드 (Feedthrough Termination, Matching Pads)
옵션 모델 | 설명 | |
Calibration Kits - Coaxial | ZCAN (0800.8515.52) | Calibration Kit, 0 Hz to 3 GHz, N, 50 Ω |
ZCAN (0800.8515.72) | Calibration Kit 0 Hz to 3 GHz, N, 75 Ω | |
ZV-Z170 (1317.7683.02) | Calibration Kit, 0 Hz to 9 GHz, N (m), 50 Ω Open, Short, Match, Through combination |
ZV-Z170 (1317.7683.03) | Calibration Kit, 0 Hz to 9 GHz, N (f), 50 Ω Open, Short, Match, Through combination |
ZV-Z135 (1317.7677.02) | Calibration Kit, 0 Hz to 15 GHz, 3.5 mm (m) | |
ZV-Z135 (1317.7677.03) | Calibration Kit, 0 Hz to 15 GHz, 3.5 mm (f) | |
ZV-Z129 (1322.7471.02) | Calibration Kit, 0 Hz to 40GHz, 2.92 mm (m) Open, Short, Match, Through combination |
ZV-Z129 (1322.7471.03) | Calibration Kit, 0 Hz to 40GHz, 2.92 mm (f) Open, Short, Match, Through combination |
ZV-Z270 | Calibration Kit, 0 Hz to 18 GHz, N 50 Ω Open, Short, Match, Through, m/f each |
ZV-Z235 | Calibration Kit, 0 Hz to 24 GHz, 3.5 mm Open, Short, Match, Through, m/f each |
ZV-Z229 | Calibration Kit, 0 Hz to 40 GHz, 2.92 mm Open, Short, Match, Through, m/f each |
ZV-Z224 | Calibration Kit, 0 Hz to 50 GHz, 2.4 mm Open, Short, Match, Through, m/f each |
ZV-Z218 | Calibration Kit, 0 Hz to 67 GHz, 1.85 mm Open, Short, Match, Through, m/f each |
ZV-Z210 | Calibration Kit, 0 Hz to 110 GHz, 1 mm Open, Short, Match, Through, m/f each |
Calibration Kits - Wave Guide | ZV-WR15 | Waveguide Calibration Kit WR15 (with or without sliding match) 50 GHz to 75 GHz |
ZV-WR12 | Waveguide Calibration Kit WR12 (with or without sliding match) 60 GHz to 90 GHz |
ZV-WR10 | Waveguide Calibration Kit WR10 (with or without sliding match) 75 GHz to 110 GHz |
ZV-WR08 | Waveguide Calibration Kit WR08 (with or without sliding match) 90 GHz to 140 GHz |
ZV-WR06 | Waveguide Calibration Kit WR06 (with or without sliding match) 110 GHz to 170 GHz |
ZV-WR05 | Waveguide Calibration Kit WR05 (withor without sliding match) 140 GHz to 220 GHz |
ZV-WR03 | Waveguide Calibration Kit WR03 (with or without sliding match) 220 GHz to 325 GHz |
ZV-WR02 | Waveguide Calibration Kit WR02 (without sliding match) 325 GHz to 500 GHz |
Verification Kits | ZV-Z370 | T-Check verification device, type N (f to m) 45 MHz to 18 GHz; Software VNAMUC available as free download |
ZV-Z335 | T-Check verification device, 3.5mm (f to m) 45 MHz to 26.5 GHz; Software VNAMUC available as free download |
ZV-Z329 | T-Check verification device, 2.92mm (f to m) 45 MHz to 40 GHz; Software VNAMUC available as free download |
ZV-Z324 | T-Check verification device, 2.4mm (f to m) 45 MHz to 50 GHz; Software VNAMUC available as free download |
ZV-Z470 | Verification kit, Type N 45 MHz to 18 GHz, Offset Short (f and m), Mismatch (f and m), Attenuator (f to m), Stepped Through (f to m); Software VNAMUC available as free download |
ZV-Z435 | Verification kit, 3.5mm 45 MHz to 26.5 GHz, Offset Short (f and m), Mismatch (f and m), Attenuator (f to m), Stepped Through (f to m); Software R&S®VNAMUC available as free download |
ZV-Z429 | Verification kit, 2.92mm 45 MHz to 40 GHz, Offset Short (f and m), Mismatch (f and m), Attenuator (f to m), Stepped Through (f to m); Software R&S®VNAMUC available as free download |
ZV-Z424 | Verification kit, 2.4mm 45 MHz to 50 GHz, Offset Short (f and m), Mismatch (f and m), Attenuator (f to m), Stepped Through (f to m); Software R&S®VNAMUC available as free download |
Calibration Units | ZN-Z151(1317.9134.32) | Calibration Unit 100 kHz - 8.5 GHz, 2 ports SMA (f) |
ZN-Z151(1317.9134.72) | Calibration Unit 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz; 2 ports N (f) | |
ZN-Z152 | Calibration Unit 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz; 6 ports SMA (f) | |
ZN-Z153 | Calibration Unit 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz; 4 ports SMA (f) | |
ZN-Z154 (1319.5120.02) | Calibration Unit 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz; 6 ports SMA (f) Number of ports can be increased to up to 24 with Options ZNZ154-B22, ZNZ154-B32 and ZNZ154-B42 |
ZNZ154-B22 | Additional port 7 to 12 (only with ZN-Z154 Calibration Unit) | |
ZNZ154-B32 | Additional port 13 to 18 (only with ZNZ154-B22) | |
ZNZ154-B42 | Additional port 19 to 24 (only with ZNZ154-B32) | |
ZN-Z156 | Calibration Unit 5 GHz to 67 GHz; 2 ports, 1.85mm(f) | |
ZN-Z51 (1319.5507.34) | Calibration Unit 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz; 4 ports, 3.5mm(f) | |
ZN-Z51 (1319.5507.32) | Calibration Unit 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz; 2 ports, 3.5mm(f) | |
ZN-Z51 (1319.5507.74) | Calibration Unit 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz; 4 ports, N(f) It is possible to individually configure each port of this Calibration Unit. Each Port can be permanently adapted N(m), 3.5mm (m,f), 7/16 (m,f). |
ZN-Z51 (1319.5507.72) | Calibration Unit 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz; 2 ports, N(f) It is possible to individually configure each port of this Calibration Unit. Each Port can be permanently adapted N(m), 3.5mm (m,f), 7/16 (m,f). |
ZV-Z52 (1164.0521.30) | Calibration Unit 10 MHz to 24 GHz, 4 ports, 3.5 mm (f) | |
ZV-Z52 (1164.0521.70) | Calibration Unit 100 kHz - 18 GHz, 4 ports N (f) | |
ZV-Z53 (1164.0473.75) | Calibration Unit 300 kHz to 3 GHz, 2 ports, N (f) 75 Ohm | |
ZV-Z53 (1164.0473.72) | Calibration Unit 300 kHz to 18 GHz, 2 ports, N (f) | |
ZV-Z53 (1164.0473.32) | Calibration Unit 300 kHz to 24 GHz, 2 ports, 3.5mm(f) | |
ZV-Z54 | Calibration Unit 10 MHz to 40 GHz, 2 ports, 2.92 mm (f) | |
ZV-Z55 | Calibration Unit 10 MHz to 50 GHz, 2 ports, 2.4 mm (f) | |
ZV-Z58 (1164.0638.78) | Calibration Unit 300 kHz to 8 GHz, 8 ports, N (f) | |
ZV-Z58 (1164.0638.38) | Calibration Unit 300 kHz to 8 GHz, 8 ports, 3.5 mm (f) | |
ZV-Z59 | Calibration Unit 10 MHz to 20 GHz, 6 ports, 3.5 mm (f) | |
Torque Wrenches | ZN-ZTW (1328.8534.71) | Torque Wrench, 1.5 Nm for type N connectors, 20 mm width across flats |
ZN-ZTW (1328.8534.35) | Torque Wrench, 0.9 Nm for 3.5/2.92/2.4/1.85 mm connectors, 8 mm width across flats | |
ZN-ZTW (1328.8534.10) | Torque Wrench, 0.45 Nm for 1.0 mm connectors, 6 mm width across flats | |
Test Cables | RSC-Z41 | Control Cable For connecting an external step attenuator to the RSC |
RSC-Z42 | Control Cable For connecting an external step attenuator to a PC | |
ZV-Z91 (1301.7572.25) | N (m) / N (m), 18 GHz 635 mm (25 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z91 (1301.7572.38) | N (m) / N (m), 18 GHz 965 mm (38 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z92 (1301.7589.25) | N (m) / 3.5 mm (m), 18 GHz, 635 mm (25 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z92 (1301.7589.38) | N (m) / 3.5 mm (m), 18 GHz 965 mm (38 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z191 (1306.4507.24) | N (m) / N (m), 18 GHz 610 mm (24 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z191 (1306.4507.36) | N (m) / N (m), 18 GHz 914 mm (36 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z192 (1306.4513.24) | N (m) / 3.5 mm (m), 18 GHz 610 mm (24 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z192 (1306.4513.36) | N (m) / 3.5 mm (m), 18 GHz 914 mm (36 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z93 (1301.7595.25) | 3.5 mm (f) / 3.5 mm (m), 26.5 GHz 635 mm (25 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z93 (1301.7595.38) | 3.5 mm (f) / 3.5 mm (m), 26.5 GHz 965 mm (38 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z193 (1306.4520.24) | 3.5 mm (f) / 3.5 mm (m), 26.5 GHz 610 mm (24 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z193 (1306.4520.36) | 3.5 mm (f) / 3.5 mm (m), 26.5 GHz 914 mm (36 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z193 (1306.4520.60) | 3.5 mm (f) / 3.5 mm (m), 26.5 GHz 1524 mm (60 inch), 1item | |
ZV-Z193 (1306.4520.61) | 3.5 mm (f) / 3.5 mm (m), 26.5 GHz 1524 mm (60 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z194 (1306.4542.24) | N(m) / N(m), 3 GHz 610 mm (24 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z194 (1306.4542.36) | N(m) / N(m), 3 GHz 914 mm (36 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z95 (1301.7608.25) | 2.92 mm (f) / 2.92 mm (m), 40 GHz 635 mm (25 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z95 (1301.7608.38) | 2.92 mm (f) / 2.92 mm (m), 40 GHz 965 mm (38 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z195 (1306.4536.24) | 2.92 mm (f) / 2.92 mm (m), 40 GHz 610 mm (24 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z195 (1306.4536.36) | 2.92 mm (f) / 2.92 mm (m), 40 GHz 914 mm (36 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z97 (1301.7637.25) | 2.4 mm (f) / 2.4 mm (m), 50 GHz 635 mm (25 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z197 (1306.4571.36) | 2.4 mm (f) / 2.4 mm (m), 50 GHz 914 mm (36 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z197 (1306.4571.24) | 2.4 mm (f) / 2.4 mm (m), 50 GHz 610 mm (24 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z96 (1301.7614.25) | 1.85 mm (f) / 1.85 mm (m), 67 GHz 635 mm (25 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z196 (1306.4559.36) | 1.85 mm (f) / 1.85 mm (m), 67 GHz 914 mm (36 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z196 (1306.4559.37) | 1.85 mm (m) / 1.85 mm (m), 67 GHz 914 mm (36 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z196 (1306.4559.24) | 1.85 mm (f) / 1.85 mm (m), 67 GHz 610 mm (24 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z196 (1306.4559.25) | 1.85 mm (m) / 1.85 mm (m), 67 GHz 610 mm (24 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z198 | 1 mm (f) / 1 mm (m), 110 GHz 150 mm (6 inch), 1 item | |
ZV-Z71 | Cable for DC Input | |
Attenuators | DNF 0272.4010.50 (3 db, 2 W) 0272.4110.50 (6 db, 2 W) 0272.4210.50 (10 db, 1 W) 0272.4310.50 (20 db, 1 W) 0272.4410.50 (30 db, 1 W) |
Attenuator 0 Hz to 12.4 GHz, m/f x = 0: 3 dB, 2 W x = 1: 6 dB, 2 W x = 2: 10 dB, 1 W x = 3: 20 dB, 1 W x = 4: 30 dB, 1 W |
RBU50 | High-Power Attenuator, 50 W 0 Hz to 2 GHz | |
RBU100 1073.8495.03 (3 dB) 1073.8495.06 (6 dB) 1073.8495.10 (10 dB) 1073.8495.20 (20 dB) 1073.8495.30 (30 dB) |
High-Power Attenuator, 100 W 0 Hz to 2 GHz | |
RDL50 | High-Power Attenuator, 50 W 0 Hz to 6 GHz, 20 dB | |
Terminations | RNA | Precision Termination, 75 Ω 1 W, DC to 3 GHz, N (m) |
RNB | Termination, 50 Ω 1 W, DC to 4 GHz, N (m) | |
RAU | UHF Termination , 50 Ω 0 Hz to 2 GHz, 100 W, N (f) | |
RAD | Feedthrough Termination, 50 Ω 0.5 W, DC to 1 GHz, BNC (m/f) | |
RAD 50 | Feedthrough Termination, 50 Ω 2 W, DC to 500 MHz, BNC (m/f) | |
Matching Pads | RAM | Matching Pad 50/75 Ω bidirectional, 0 Hz to 2.7 GHz, N (f)/N (m) connectors, load capacity 2 W, L section |
RAZ (0358.5714.02) | Matching Pad 50/75 Ω, series resistor 25 Ω 0 Hz to 2.7 GHz | |
RAZ (0358.5714.03) | Matching Pad 50/75 Ω, series resistor 25 Ω 0 Hz to 3.3 GHz | |
Power Splitter, Junction Box | DVS | Power Splitter/Combiner 0.1 MHz to 400 MHz, 1 W, 50 Ω , BNC (f) |
RVZ | Power Splitter, 2 x 50 Ω 0 Hz to 2.7 GHz | |
DVU4 | Four-Port Junction Box 0 Hz to 1 GHz, 0.25 W into 50 Ω per input, 4 x Dezifix B or 4 x N (f) |
Bridges | ZRA | SWR Bridge Reflection coefficient measurements |
ZRB2 | SWR Bridge Broadband impedance and reflection coefficient measurements | |
ZRC | SWR Bridge Measurement of reflection coefficient from 40 kHz to 4 GHz | |
Adapter | ZV-Z1118 | Adapter SMA m/m angle 0Hz to 18GHz |
ZV-Z1218 | Adapter SMA m/f angle 0Hz to 18GHz | |
Miscellaneous | ZV-Z60 | T Check, 50 Ω Up to 4 GHz N (m/f) |
ZV-Z1227 | 2-way Wilkinson power divider 4GHz to 27GHz | |
ZN-Z28 | Semi-rigid cables N(m)/3.5mm(m), 10 MHz - 8.5 GHz connect two 2xN ZN-Z84 to a 4-port ZNB4 or ZNB8 |
Instrument Accessories | NWA_Handbook-en | Network Analysis Handbook (English) "Fundamentals of Vector Network Analysis" |
NWA_Handbook-de | Network Analysis Handbook (German)"Grundlagen der Vektoriellen Netzwerkanalyse" | |
VISA I/O BIB | VISA I/O Library (for control of external devices via IEC/GPIB or LAN) | |
ZVAB-B44 | USB-to-IEC/IEEE Adapter (for control of external devices via IEC/IEEE bus) | |
ZV-Z61 | Bias Network 2 MHz to 4 GHz | |
Power Sensors | NRP-Z | Power Sensors For operation with NRP2 base unit or via USB on a Laptop/PC |